Adam Furgang
Oct 28, 2020


Thanks so much. While it can be natural to do so, I always try resist any urge to classify myself or box myself in. I am guilty of it, though. So many choices are already made for us by birth/family/society/location/etc. and I think we further isolate ourselves by digging our heels in and becoming unmovable. I do agree that, like us, a group of liberals exist out there—not conservative—that are resistant to groupthink and desire a more productive (less hysteric and reactionary) way of engaging unfamiliar ways of thinking. The self-righteous, permanently-offended, intolerant, censoring, cancel-culture is only making things worse. And it's typically conducted under the guise of moral superiority, which makes it increasingly dangerous too.



Adam Furgang

Writer • Editor • Visual Artist • Gamer • Troublemaker